All Collections

Comprehensive financial management from billing to contract subscriptions and payments.

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5 authors79 articles

How to create a credit note for an invoice that doesn't exist in ZapfloorNow you can make credit notes for historical invoices that are not in Zapfloor.
How to set up a seperate email address to send invoices fromYou can add a from email address per billing entity so you can send all invoices from there
Partial payment for invoices, what happens in zapfloorWhen your tracking payment status in Zapfloor, it is possible that a customer only pays part of an invoice. This is what it look like:
How to check which products and which journal codes are used on an invoiceWhen you use a product you can chance the name and price. You can look back on the original product's details using these tips.
How to send a Belgian Mercurius/Peppol invoiceGovernment and public organisations only want to receive invoices via Mercurius. Here's how to enable for your Belgian government customers
How to send invoices with custom email, recipient or attachmentSend, resend, and process and send invoices. You can choose other recipients while also customize the text and attachments of your invoices.
Payment status on credit notesA credit note as an unpaid invoice can be fixed by setting it to paid, we'll explain you how.
How to create a draft invoice?Create a draft of an invoice so it can be edited if need be and send at a later date
How to create a credit noteAn invoice that should be cancelled can be credited using a credit note. We'll show you how it's done.
How to copy invoice or draft invoiceIf you need to send an invoice that is similar to an invoice that you created before you can use Copy Invoice function in the invoice editor
How to add a payment to an invoiceYou can set an invoice to paid using these steps, to keep track of what is paid and which invoices are still open.
How to create custom invoiceCreate a custom invoice.
credit note revenue period allocation (reporting)
Change auto generated invoices translation keys
Vat code per invoice line
About PO-numbers in ZapfloorThe PO-number feature and when and where to add it.
Customer payment type invoice template

SEPA Mandates and payment tracking (Twikey integration)

We'll help you manage your SEPA mandates, transactions and payment tracking.

SEPA Direct Debit (Zapfloor - Twikey integration)Are you annoyed by bank transfers, matching of invoices and late payments from your residents? Use SEPA Direct Debit to your advance.
How to bill your clients using a SEPA mandateA SEPA mandate is the permission structure used to do automated payments. You can invite customers using zapfloor's Twikey integration.
How to check if an invoice will be paid with SEPAYour customer has a signed SEPA mandate. Here we show how you can see if the invoice will be paid via SEPA transaction.
How to match Transactions to InvoicesUse the Twikey integration to match transactions to invoices. Matched invoices are set to paid, so it's clear which invoices are still open.
Twikey integration: check on paymentsHow to see which payments were made using the Twikey integration in Zapfloor. Get an overview of all amounts separately via Billing.
I got an error on a SEPA Direct Debit payment, what's wrong?Sometimes a SEPA transaction is blocked. You'll get an email with error code, here's what they mean:
How to end a SEPA mandate for a customer? Pending or signed mandates.Mandates can be deleted from Zapfloor, when you no longer want to use SEPA transactions or when you want to send it with new company info.
How to end a SEPA mandate?When a customer leaves or if their bank account changes, you might want to end their mandate. Afterwards you can send out a new mandate.
Transaction matching with 1 bank account over different locations
How to use one mandate to bill customers across more than one location? (Exclusively from one bank account)Enable a mandate that can be used over different locations
Export mandates